February 25, 2025

Raised 400 pheasants and released on designated project areas
Ongoing predator control within project area and beyond
Supply corn, sunflower, and sorghum seed for food plots
Fully sponsored the 2014 and 2015 Beaver Dam Lake Days Kid's Fishing Contest for agest 4-16
Chapter is founding member of the Dodge County Sporting Conservation Alliance
Co-sponsored with the Beaver Dam Conservationists the Youth Trap Shoot for Hunter Safety graduates
Scholarship to Outdoor Skills Camp
Yearly Youth Hunts
Several local Hunter Safety Programs with shells, gun locks, and financial support
Youth Duck Hunt
Wisconsin Youth Outdoor Education Exposition
DNR Limited Employee Support Fund
The Chapter is continuing to work with landowners to enhance wildlife cover and food plots in our habitat restoration areas. This 11,000 acre area was selected in 1995 by the DNR as a release site for wild pheasants. The release program started in the spring of 1996 and continued through 1998. Crow and flush counts are still being conducted. To date we have attained 29.5 acreas of food plots, 87 acres of nesting cover and restored 10 acres back to wetlands. We need to thank all the members, donors, and especially the landowners for their co-operation in this ongoing project.
We are the members of the Dodge County Sporting Conservation Alliance and the Beaver Dam Lake Improvement Association, Inc. We also support the Beaver Dam Conservationists and the Columbus Sportman's Association.
Bird seed available at Leipsic Tavern in Beaver Dam and at Fish Tales in Fox Lake